Thursday, May 23, 2013

Te Massive Movement

          The Earth, Sun, and Moon are connected in some ways. The Earth needs the sun and the moon. There are two models, one is geocentric model, and this model said that the Earth is the center of the universe. This theory was from Ptolemy. Another model is heliocentric model and this model said that the Sun is the center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus thought of this idea.  They can come up with these ideas because they study about the universe and star. It's called the Astronomy.
The Earth is moving around the sun on its axis. The axis tilt is 23.5 degree. It takes Earth 24 hours per day to rotate on its axis one complete time. There are two hemispheres in the Earth. They are northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. They are separate by equator. The two evidences to prove that the Earth is rotating are Coriolis effect and pendulum. Also, the star Polaris can prove that the Earth is rotating because this star always stays in the North. Revolution is when Earth move around the sun on its axis. The shape of the movement is ellipse. It means that it’s not a circle. Orbit is the path where Earth moving around. The revolution length is called aphelion and perihelion. Aphelion is 152000000 km from the sun. Perihelion is 148000000 km from the sun. This means that aphelion is far away from the sun, but perihelion is near the sun.  One evidence that proves Earth is moving because of constellation. There are 24 time zones in the world. The time zones divided from 1 hour from the time zone next to it. It rises from west to east. Each time zone is separate by the longitude line. Greenwich Mean Time is the town where divide the time, and where the time began. This place located at the Prime Meridian because Prime Meridian is a line that divided the world into west and east. The International Date Line is when you are in west, it’s one day before east. When we talk about seasons, it’s about revolution, also, the direct sunlight and the indirect sunlight.  One more thing, the most important one is the Earth is tilted by 23.5 degree. It’s the axis tilt. The Earth is moving around, and when the Earth is on the East side of the sun, the southern hemisphere will more direct sunlight and it will be Summer there, the northern hemisphere will be winter because it get indirect sunlight. There’s no season in equator because the sun always hit straight to the equator. So it’s summer all the time. There are two solstices, one is winter solstice and other one is summer solstice. Winter solstice is when the Earth is far away from the sun. (Aphelion) It starts at the date December 21/22. Summer solstice is when the Earth is near the sun. (Perihelion) It starts at the date June 21/22.  Equinoxes mean when the Earth receive the same amount of sunlight, 12 hours for day and 12 hours for night. The Vernal Equinoxes start at March 21/22. You can call it Spring Equinoxes too. The Autumnal Equinoxes start at September 22/23. Fall Equinoxes is another name for it. I love these two seasons because it’s not very hot and not very cold. In your life, I think that you can see the moon every night, but it’s not easy to see all the phases of the moon. The phases of the moon mean that the moon has different shape. The shapes are new moon, gibbous moon, crescent moon, quarter moon, and full moon. The shape of the new moon is there’s no moon, you can’t see it. The crescent moon is you can see less than half. The quarter moon is you can see half of the moon. The gibbous moon is you can see more than half. The full moon is you can see the whole moon. The difference between waxing and waning is that waxing is getting bigger from smaller but waning is that getting smaller from bigger. If I have a chance to see all the shapes, that would be awesome. The tides are the moon that causes the ocean moving high and low. The spring tide is a tide that the oceans is moving higher or lower than normal tides. The water level and sea level will be higher or lower. The phases of the moon of spring tides are full and new moon. In the spring tides, the sun, moon, and Earth are forming a straight line. Neap tide is different from spring tide because in neap tide, the sun, moon, and Earth form a 90 degree angle and the wave of the ocean is normal. And the phases of the moon are the first and third moon.

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