Thursday, March 21, 2013

Plate Tectonic

Critical Thinking Question

      What is plate tectonic? Plate tectonic is a theory that proved the lands were together as one in 100 years ago. The seven continents in the world now, they can put together like a puzzle. The seven continents are North American, South American, Africa, Europe, Asia, Austral, and Antarctica

      Continental Drift – This theory was from Alfred Wagner. He proved that the lands were together as one. This is called the Pangaea. The lands can put together like puzzle. They can match. The land forms, fossils, and the shape of each continent can prove that the lands were together as one from 100 years ago.

      Plate Boundaries – There are three types of plate boundaries. They are convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Convergent boundary is the land that’s move together. Divergent boundary is the land that’s move apart. Transform boundary is the land that’s move side by side. They pass each other.

      Earth's Interior - The Earth is divided into 4 layers. The inner layer is inner core. Then comes the outer core. The outer core is surrounded by the mantle. The surface of the Earth is crust. The Earth is moving 3 inches per year. Do you know why the Earth is moving? It's really cool. The Earth move because of the heat. The heat from the outer core rises up the magma in the mantle, but after it meets the surface, which the crust. The magma cools down and goes down.It’s like recycle. They continue this every day. 

      I think the Earth move is a good thing. Even though that maybe not every countries are friendly to others, but that's why we have so many cultures. Different places have different kind of culture. I think this is good because I can learn more staff in a different culture. 


       In this project, what I enjoyed the most was we have many choices because we can choose what we want to do.

       I think the most challenging for me during this project was I needed to explain what I did to Ms.Kara. But that's good because I can learn from this.
       One new skill i learned from doing this project was making a movie in the program "iMovie". I didn't know how to use "iMovie" before, but I can make a video by myself using "iMovie" now.

       I think that if I can memorial all the things that we learned during this project, it would be great because I can explain to other people, if I can explain to other people, that means I know that topic in 100%.
       Because we has many students, and we needed to be tested, but not everybody have enough time to show their works, so I think that should spent more time for the test or find someone that can help Ms.Kara to help you. It will be lot more faster. 

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