Monday, October 22, 2012

Crystals and Minerals

      In crystal gorowth lab, we made a solution by mixing the minerals with water at frist. Then we waited because we needed to let the minerals to grow. The minerals became the crystal. Crystal is a solid object that has three or more sides. The color of the crystal was white. You could see through it. The luster of the crystal was non-metallic because it didn't looks like metal. The rocks are make up of mineral.

2.Mineral Properties
                       Metallic - Looks like metal.
                       Non-metallic- Does not look like metal

                       Color- It was a color other than white or clear
                       Colorless/ White- It was white or clear

                               Soft- Does not scratch a glass plate(5.5)
The graphite rock's hardness is 1-2.
                               Hard- Scratches the glass plate(5.5)
        Quartz rock's hardness is 7.    

                                               Cleavage- After it break, it's still smooth
                                                Fracture- After it break, it's rough

3. Mineral Identification

  Luster: Non- metallic                                                       
  Color: Yellow
  Hardness: 2

Luster: Non- metallic
Color: Colorless/ white
Hardness: 3

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