Monday, October 22, 2012

Crystals and Minerals

      In crystal gorowth lab, we made a solution by mixing the minerals with water at frist. Then we waited because we needed to let the minerals to grow. The minerals became the crystal. Crystal is a solid object that has three or more sides. The color of the crystal was white. You could see through it. The luster of the crystal was non-metallic because it didn't looks like metal. The rocks are make up of mineral.

2.Mineral Properties
                       Metallic - Looks like metal.
                       Non-metallic- Does not look like metal

                       Color- It was a color other than white or clear
                       Colorless/ White- It was white or clear

                               Soft- Does not scratch a glass plate(5.5)
The graphite rock's hardness is 1-2.
                               Hard- Scratches the glass plate(5.5)
        Quartz rock's hardness is 7.    

                                               Cleavage- After it break, it's still smooth
                                                Fracture- After it break, it's rough

3. Mineral Identification

  Luster: Non- metallic                                                       
  Color: Yellow
  Hardness: 2

Luster: Non- metallic
Color: Colorless/ white
Hardness: 3

Sunday, October 14, 2012

About Me

1.Science is something we all should learn.

2.I like play sports.

3.Bad grades scares me.

4.French fries is my favorite food.

5.I will be an accounting when I grow up.

6.I have one sibling.

7.My favorite color is white.

8.My favorite thing to do is play volleyball.

9.Watch out for my healthy.

10.I wish I will pass all my regents.